Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can I file a Lien as a designer/ staging company?

Can I file a Lien as a designer/ staging company?

FloridaMechanics LienPreliminary Notice

We are a home staging company. We consult on properties, Providing design and decorating and home-improvement tips as well as lease our furniture and furnishings to homeowners and style their homes to make them appealing for sale. Our client paid the project fee on a credit card but has since disputing the charge to get out of paying for our services all together even though our work was completed and our services provided a desirable result and her house is under contract. We are now facing have to refund all the funds paid and coming out at a net loss after we did the work, and has enjoyed our furniture for 2 months- she still has the furniture, in fact. We are a small business and deserve to be compensated according to the terms of our agreement and common decency. Any guidance here would be very helpful. The clock is ticking and we need to take action before the Hoise closes next week.

1 reply

Apr 13, 2021
Some professional services may give rise to a construction lien, but furniture leasing and house staging are not within that statutorily defined group. If you have not yet recovered your furniture you should see a lawyer about that process right away. Besides recovering the furnishings it seems that your remedy would seem to be a lawsuit for breach of contract damages (nonpayment for services). To give yourself financial protection in any contract always include a clause that says: "The prevailing party in the enforcement of this agreement may recover its attorney's fees, including legal services to determine the amount of fees to be awarded."
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