Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can I cancel contract if i pay for any preliminary? work done such as drawing of plans?

Can I cancel contract if i pay for any preliminary? work done such as drawing of plans?


I signed a contract for an addition to be built on my house. Unfortunately my circumstances have changed and I no longer need the addition. The contractor was given an initial payment of 22, 400 at the signing of the contract. He has drawn up the plans and had them reviewed by an engineer to submit to the county. no materials have been bought nor has any work been done yet. I have offered the contractor to pay for his plans, time, and whatever time or money he laid out which cannot be more than a few thousand dollars. I have sent him an email spelling out my situation and have asked him to provide other work on the house for the initial 22k . I see no clauses in the contract regarding cancellation of the project and am not asking for a refund. I just dont need an addition anymore and am willing to allow the contractor to provide various other projects on my house so he will not have to provide a refund. The initial draw was provided ( 22, 400 dollars) with successive draws due at specific timeframes as work occurs

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