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Can I back out of a contract?

CaliforniaConstruction Contract

I am a subcontractor. We have contracts in Northern California, but because of the pandemic we have limited resources for employees. What can we do to negotiate this with the general contractors. There are lots of issues arising that we have never had before. Need a good attorney to talk to about the issues.

1 reply

Jul 14, 2021

That is a very fact specific situation. Whether you can back out because of a act of god or something like that depends on a lot of factors. Maybe they can terminate you for convenience (if the subcontract allows that). Maybe you can get a time extension for the work or an increase in subcontract price. But, among some other things, it all depends on your specific situation and what your contract says. A good construction attorney should be able to listen to you and give you some left and right options. 

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