Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can I amend the claim amount in my Notice of Intention to Lien if I am still within the 120 days to file?

Can I amend the claim amount in my Notice of Intention to Lien if I am still within the 120 days to file?

MarylandMechanics Lien

If I put the incorrect amount of the claim in my Notice of Intention to Lien, and I am still with the 120 day deasline to file the Notice, should I amend the the notice to the correct amount, or just issue a completely new Notice with the revised amount? Or, do those actions have the same effect?

1 reply

Dec 13, 2021

While a new notice does in a sense "replace" the old notice, it may well be better form to issue an "amended Notice" in order that you do not have to conflicting notices which are both signed under oath.

Good luck!

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