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Can homeowner vacate mechanics lien?

PennsylvaniaMechanics Lien

I’m a general contractor that filed a mechanics lien in PA, the homeowner and his lawyer are trying to vacate this lien because they said it was not filed properly and no notice was filed. Is there any way this will stand?

2 replies

Apr 13, 2022


If you wanted to send me a copy of the filed lien any response from the owner and their lawyer, I could provide a more informed response. Speaking in general terms, you would not need to provide notice if you already had a direct contract with the prooperty owner. The owner would have been aware of the work you performed, the agreement under which that work was performed, and received the invoice for the work performed.

If there is a one person you should NOT take legal advice from, it's your adversary's attorney!


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Apr 13, 2022

Yes I can send you copy of filed mechanics lien and documents from adversary's lawyer. Do you I send them through here or is there another email address to use?

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