Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can contractor put lien on our property if we don't pay his bill in full

Can contractor put lien on our property if we don't pay his bill in full

FloridaMechanics Lien

We hired a contractor to do the condo rebuild and have a problem with their bill. Is it possible for me to ask a quick question to one of the attorneys regarding this? The summary of the situation is: We signed a contract with the contractor who estimated $20,500 for the rebuild (the estimate stated it was for "draw purposes only"). In April, I had paid a total of $14,100 based upon the draw schedule and invoices received to date. In May, I asked the contractor where we stood financially as I had not received any further invoices. He said we were "about even". In August, I settled with the insurance company based upon my understanding that we were about even & no new invoices had been received. The next week, we received a bill for an additional $29K. No work had been done between May and August. I would not have settled with the insurance company if I knew we were going to be charged an additional 29K. In August, I paid an additional $10,000 of that bill. No change orders or estimates were ever provided by the contractor even though the contract said that was required. The permit has now been closed. The work done was subpar and there are outstanding issues. Are we obligated to pay the balance due on their invoice since the permit is closed and there were no change orders/estimates agreed upon? Does he have legal recourse to sue us?

1 reply

Dec 29, 2021
This scenario is too complex to be answered in an email. Please call a lawyer. Yes, the contractor can sue you.
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