Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can construction crew file mechanics lien if they are fired before completing job leaving it a wreck?

Can construction crew file mechanics lien if they are fired before completing job leaving it a wreck?

TexasMechanics Lien

If a contractor fires his construction crew and he does not pay them what they say he owes ,can crew file a mechanic lien to the homeowner if the homeowner deals only with the contractor?

2 replies

Sep 13, 2021


It depends. Was the construction crew part of the contractor's company operating as workers for that company or were they completely independent subcontractors?

In the event the crew worked for the contractor did the firing as part of the contractor's company, you have a wage and labor claim.

In the event the fired persons were legitimate subcontractors, they may still file a lien on the property assuming none of the deadlines have run.

E. Aaron Cartwright III

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Sep 13, 2021
Anyone that performs work on the project has the right to file a lien. There are numerous steps they have to take to file a valid lien and they can only file a lien if the general contractor had a written contract with the owners.
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