Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can a homeowner file a lien on a contractor that was paid to pick up supplies but never returned

Can a homeowner file a lien on a contractor that was paid to pick up supplies but never returned


Can I file a mechanic lien on a contractor that did not do the work after I paid him 1000.00 to pick up the supplies he said he was going to go get that day.? This was a private home and I’m the owner.

2 replies

Feb 16, 2023

Unfortunately, you cannot file a mechanic's lien against a contractor, this is a remedy for contractors against owners. You may have a valid breach of contract claim against the contractor, possibly unjust enrichment, but the amount of money at issue is so small it is hardly worth getting an attorney involved. You may want to consider small claims court, sorry this happened to you, good luck. 

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Feb 16, 2023
No. A contractor might file a mechanic's lien if a property owner reneges on paying a portion of the amount due for the work performed. Also, a subcontractor could file a mechanic's lien if the primary contractor failed to make proper payment for his work and materials. But a homeowner may not file a lien against a contractor for failing to deliver supplies, even if prepaid. The homeowner should sue the contractor in court and since the amount is below the $5,000 threshold, the homeowner may pursue his claim in Small Claims Court.
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