Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can a contractor get in trouble for purposefully providing false prelim info?

Can a contractor get in trouble for purposefully providing false prelim info?

CaliforniaMechanics LienPay ApplicationsPreliminary NoticeMaterials

We (a dry utility distributor) were struggling to recover payment (and communication) from a contractor for some time now & so are moving forward with issuing a lien against the property they are working on. Turns out not only the location for material drop off was incorrectly given to us for the prelim notice, but so was the owner & construction location. Now after they've been put on hold with us; we've found out that they are receiving material from a competitor. Can they (a contractor) get in trouble for knowingly providing us with false prelim info?

1 reply

Oct 13, 2022

Yes, I would consider filing a CSLB complaint against them to obtain a ruling as to any wrongdoing and possibly inquiring into a bond claim if you're out money as a result of their mis-information. Even if the mis-information was negligence (a mistake, not an attempt to knowingly trick you), the cost of any damage related to that mistake should be carried by them.

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