Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>As civil engineer, once I obtained the Environmental permitting approval, is that the start date of 60 day filing?

As civil engineer, once I obtained the Environmental permitting approval, is that the start date of 60 day filing?

PennsylvaniaDesign ProfessionalMechanics Lien

Was verbally engaged a year ago to design a septic system for private landowner. Part of that design required site environmental clearance approval, which got delayed due to wetlands needing mitigated, and then covid slowed up approval agency progress. Approvals were granted 3 months ago and property owner wont respond to certified mail invoices, emails or phone. Need to know if a mechanics lien can be filed to sit on property until owner applies for loan, or if he sells property...then the lien can get satisfied.

1 reply

Nov 16, 2020

You need to have performed in accordance with a written contract to file a lien in NJ. The 60 days refers to the Notice of Unpaid Balance which must be filed prior to a lien and required arbitration demand for RESIDENTIAL projects in New Jersey. 

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