Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>As an unpaid employee, can I place the lien for unpaid wages without any other notices to owner etc?

As an unpaid employee, can I place the lien for unpaid wages without any other notices to owner etc?

FloridaMechanics LienNotice of Intent to Lien

I am an employee/laborer and unpaid by a contractor for work performed on several houses in FL. I understand can file a lien and do not need to pre-lien or notice of intent to lien or give notice directly to the property owner as I am not a contractor, but am an unpaid employee of the contractor. Is this correct? Also, one of the properties sold and closed in only a few days from completion, I plan on placing alien against that property as I am unpaid for labor there as well. I have given notarized notice to contractor of unpaid wages and listed properties and values for each property that is unpaid. As of tomorrow night they will have no further right to address or challenge any of the amounts. The contractor attempted to pay me less than owed with a memo notation "payment to be caught up, paid in full" I have not cashed the check.

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