Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Any other options when a Mechanics Lien will not work?

Any other options when a Mechanics Lien will not work?


Hi. This is in regards to a landscaping company in MA. I'm trying to help in getting their finances in order. They have a client that has not paid anything on this past season's maintenance and lawn work. Balance is about $2500. By the look of it, a Mechanics Lien would not apply since it's mostly lawn cutting and cleanup. Is there anything else other than small claims court that the owner can do in hopes to getting paid what he is owed?

1 reply

Jan 20, 2023

I am the CEO of Wolfgang and Rhodes. I help contractors execute liens and get paid typically within 5 days. I charge nothing up front. Feel free to call my cell 214-518-9595 or email me at  

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