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Am I within legal right to file a mechanics lien

ArizonaMechanics Lien

Hello I do private mechanic services and I have seem to run into a bit of an issue and would like to take advantage of the opportunity to speak with one of your experts here I have an 05 Mercedes Benz C230 currently sitting in my lot a portion of the work is already been completed the owner of the vehicle has only paid $60 in the regards of an almost $3,000 the owner himself has been placed under arrest and will more than likely be in jail for a length of time his significant other is not adhering to my tear down and reassembly fee of $1,000 that will be applied if repairs are canceled I'm just trying to figure out what would be the more appropriate mechanics lien filing that I would want to go for for the State of Arizona

2 replies

Jun 28, 2021

Your question relates to liens for auto repair. In Arizona, the laws governing such liens are known as Garagemaen Liens. This is a forum for liens on real estate for work and materials provided to improve the real property, which are called Mechanics Liens under the Arizona statutes. The wording is unfortunate and confusing. You should review ARS 33-1022 and speak with an attorney experienced in Garagemen Liens to answer your question.  

1 person found this helpful
Jul 13, 2021
Thank you, Scott. I appreciate your help with this.
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