The Amway Center project in Orlando Florida appears to be having money problems. This story from the Orlando Sentinel reports that some contractors are unpaid on the project even six months after they’ve finished work. And we’re not talking about small amounts of retainage here and there, but debts of up to $2 million.
Money problems on these types of projects is not surprising these days. To me, however, what’s astonishing is this tidbit from the article:
Whitcomb’s company has filed a construction lien against the arena to make sure it is paid the $63,476 still owed. Records show that at least four other companies have also filed construction liens on the Amway Center, ranging from $7,741 to $352,331.
Others haven’t yet taken the legal step of filing liens, but have asked Orlando officials for help in collecting debts as high as $2 million.
It’s beyond me why companies owed significant sums of money on a construction project won’t take the simple step of filing a mechanic lien. Time and time again we’ve posted on this blog that you only get one chance to file a lien, specifically writing an pointed article title: “Promises to Pay Mean Squat to your Lien Deadlines.”
Filing a lien has very clear advantages – check out our “Why Lien” tag here for some talk on how a mechanic lien can help get you paid. And don’t be one of these companies who ask for help collecting their debts but don’t spend the time and money to file the lien instrument.