In the construction business, the “preliminary notice” can be a dreaded document. It’s paperwork you just don’t want to deal with, or a requirement you don’t fully understand. If you’re supplying materials or providing services across state lines, it’s a legal moving target, seemingly impossible to comply with, and a frequent spoiler to your lien rights.
We’ve written about preliminary notices so frequently on this blog that we’ve given them their own category: Preliminary Notices.
However, while I’ve written about some of the nuances with these instruments, and about their particular requirements in the various states, I don’t think I’ve ever written a big-picture type of article about the idea of a preliminary notice, and just explaining how they work in general. Therefore, I put something like this together and published it on Everything You Need To Know About Preliminary Notices.
This article examines the preliminary notice document without focusing on any particular state’s requirements and may help the reader understand how these things generally work. With a better general appreciation for the preliminary notice, you can then turn to the state’s particular requirements and have a better chance at complying with these requirements.
Part of the article discusses the actual filing of preliminary notices, trying to answer the practical question of “how do you do it?”
If you’re always working or supplying materials in the same state, and related to the same type of work, it’s not impossible to send your notices in house. You can get a form, learn the process, and implement it yourself. (But think about it, why would you want your staff’s time being spent on this?!)
If you’re supplying or working across state lines, however, compliance with preliminary notice requirements is a lot more difficult. Each state has different rules about when to send the notice, how to send it, who to send it to, and what to send. Keeping up with this just takes too much time and resources, and is likely to result in error.
The article suggests the Levelset’s business concept, explaining that Levelset can file preliminary notices (including California 20-Day Preliminary Notices) for you, all across the nation. Simply send levelset your contract when you sign it (or input the information in our online system), and levelset will put together the notice, send it on its way, and keep records and proof of delivery.
Check out the article on Avvo, and I hope it helps clear up any confusion you harbor about preliminary notices.