This October we had the privilege of attending the Clio Cloud Legal Technology conference where we took the opportunity to learn about emerging legal technology trends and industries. Among some of the emerging legal-adjacent industries showcased at ClioCon 2022 was what can best be described as “lawyer lifestyle content creation”—digital media created by lawyers for the education and entertainment of other lawyers.
One of the most common platforms for lifestyle content and career coaching is, of course, podcasts. Podcasts are experiencing steady popularity and interest in recent years, and attorneys enjoy them as much as everyone else. Podcasts are a great educational tool and can make your commute to work more productive, so it comes as no surprise that there are many podcasts now that focus on law and legal careers.
Here are five podcasts for attorneys that stand out to us in 2022:
1. Best Lawyer Wellness Podcast: Be A Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo
At ClioCon we had the pleasure of meeting one lawyer-turned-coach Dina Cataldo who hosts the Be A Better Lawyer podcast. She combines life coaching skills with her experience as an attorney to create a business coaching course for lawyers. Launched in 2018, this podcast is an excellent resource for attorneys looking to find more work-life balance.
2. Best Legal News Podcast: Lawyer 2 Lawyer with J. Craig Williams
Law practice podcasts have actually been around for a while, and Lawyer 2 Lawyer has been streaming for since 2005, making it one of the longest running podcasts online. Lawyer 2 Lawyer, as the name implies, encourages opposing viewpoints from different attorneys on current legal issues. This award-winning podcast is great for staying up-to-date on current events in law.
3. Best Podcast For Small Firms: New Solo with Adriana Linares
New Solo is a popular lawyer podcast hosted by legal technology consultant Adriana Linares. While many episodes focus on legal technology, there are plenty about general law firm management and career growth. This is an excellent podcast for current or aspiring solo practitioners at any level of proficiency with technology.
4. Best General Practice Podcast: Lawyerist Podcast with Stephanie Everett
Lawyerist has been a news resource and online community for attorneys since 2009. They have also been running a podcast since 2015, hosted by Lawyerist founder, attorney Stephanie Everett, and Jennifer Whigham. Like New Solo, their topics are pertinent for small to medium size firms. This podcast has a variety of topics relevant to many law practice areas, ideal for local general practice firms.
5. Best Newer Podcast: Matters, A Podcast from Clio with Jack Newton
Another great podcast for lawyers is Matters, hosted by the founder of Clio since 2019. At ClioCon this year we got to Newton give an excellent presentation on client-centered law firm management, the main topic of Matters Season Two. Though Matters doesn’t have as many episodes as Lawyerist, the topics are timely and well-chosen. This is a good podcast for lawyers looking to improve their management skills and become more familiar with legal technology.
If you are an attorney who hasn’t yet begun listening to podcasts, the five legal podcasts listed above are a great place to start. If you are interested in other free media to help you grow your practice and expand your legal education, look for our free CLEs in our webinars library. Want to begin content creation and thought leadership of your own? Reach out to the Levelset Attorney Services team on LinkedIn to learn about content partnership opportunities for lawyers.