Guide to filing a mechanics lien in Placer County

Where is the Placer County Recorder's Office that files mechanic liens?

You can file your mechanic liens in person at the Placer County Recorder’s Office located at:

2954 Richardson Drive
Auburn, CA 95603

Recording: 530-886-5600, Clerk: 530-886-5610

Recording Counter
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

What is Placer County's Recording Backlog?

The Placer County Recorder does not publicly disclose information on recording backlog. However, note that documents that are accepted for recording from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. are recorded the same day. Documents that are accepted after the recording counter has closed are recorded the following workday. After a document has been recorded, a scanned image of it is made. The recorded documents are also used to create a daily grantor/grantee index.

Should my mechanics lien be filed in Placer County, or some other county?

If the project is located in Placer county, then yes, you will want to record your lien with the Placer County Recorder’s office.

What are Placer County's requirements for recording a mechanics lien?

All documents must comply with the Placer County Recorder’s basic recording requirements. They are as follows:

1. Original Signature Required (GC 27201(b)1) – Requires original signatures on all instruments, papers or notices presented for recording except as otherwise provided by law. A certified copy is also acceptable.

2. All-Purpose Acknowledgment (CC 1188 and CC 1189) – Any California notary public or other officer taking acknowledgments in California must complete the California all-purpose notary acknowledgment.

3. Legibility (GC 27361.6) – Documents presented for recording must be sufficiently legible to reproduce a readable photographic copy. This includes notary seals and any attachments or exhibits.

4. Cover Page (GC 27361.6) – If the first page of the document does not have required space for the recording information, a separate page or cover sheet must be attached to the front of the document. This cover sheet must show the name of the party requesting the recording, where to mail the document after it is recorded and the title or titles of the document. Recording fees will be charged for this page.

5. Document Titles (GC 27324) – All documents submitted for recording must indicate the title or titles of the documents contained therein. Titles should appear on the first page, directly below the space reserved for the Recorder.

6. Additional titles indexed (GC 27324) – The Recorder is required to index all titles shown on the first page. Additional titles may also be identified and indexed at the discretion of the Recorder. Additional titles indexed by Placer County Recorder include, but are not limited to, Assignment of Rents and Assignment of Leases found in the body of the document. When a document contains more than one title to be indexed, the recording fee will increase $14 for each additional title to be indexed.

7. Recording Reference Number Required (GC 27361.6) – Any document that modifies, releases or cancels the provisions of a previously recorded document must contain the recording reference number of that prior document.

What are the margin & page size requirements to file a lien in Placer County?

Page Size: All documents must comply with the 8.5 inches by 11 inches standard page size.

Page Margins: All documents submitted for recording must have at least a half-inch margin along each vertical side. In addition, the top 2.5 inches of the first page or sheet must be reserved for recording information. The left 3.5 inches of this space is used to show the name of the party requesting the recording and where to mail the document after it is recorded.

How can I make payment to the Placer County Recorder?

The Placer County Recorder’s payment options include:

Checks – The Recorder’s Office does accept personal checks. All checks must have the account holder’s name, address, phone number, account number and check number pre-printed on them. Checks should be made payable to Placer County Recorder.

Credit Cards – Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted. Note that all credit card orders are assessed an additional fee.

Money Orders – Money orders should be made payable to Placer County Recorder

What are the filing fees to record a mechanics lien in Placer County?

The Placer County Recorder’s regular recording fee is $14.00 for the first page and $3.00 for each additional page.

Additional Recording Fees

Non-conforming fee: $3.00 for each page of entire document that
does not measure 8.5 inches by 11 inches, or if the document has anything taped, pasted or stapled to an individual page

Indexing fees: $1.00 for each additional document reference

$1.00 for each additional group of 10 names

Penalty print: $1.00 per page

Release of State Liens: $8.00

Copy Fees:

Official Copy: $2.00 for the first page and $1.00 for each additional page

Certification of official record: $2.00

How do I get a recorded copy of my lien from Placer County's Recorders Office?

You can obtain a recorded copy your lien in person, by mail or by telephone.

In Person

Copies of recorded documents can be purchased at the Recorder’s Office from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays.

The Placer County Recorder’s Office is located at:

2954 Richardson Drive
Auburn, CA 95603

Recording: 530-886-5600

Copy Counter
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

By Mail

All copy requests must have a daytime phone number, an address to mail the copy to, and a check or money order for payment. A self-addressed stamped legal-sized envelope will help speed delivery.

A request for a copy should include the type of document, the parties named on the document, and the recording reference number. A search of the Placer County Recorder’s online index will enable you to provide the necessary recording reference number.

Copy requests should be mailed to:
Placer County Recorder-Clerk
2954 Richardson Drive
Auburn, CA 95603

By Telephone

Official records may be ordered over the phone with a credit card. To order by phone call 530-886-5610. For an additional charge, telephone orders can be sent via express courier or emailed.

Do I have the right to file a mechanics lien in Placer County, CA?

Determining whether you do or do not have a mechanics lien right can be tricky. Generally speaking, every state gives those who have furnished labor and/or materials to a construction project the right to file a mechanics lien if unpaid for the furnishing. The same is true in California. However, there are some state-specific limitations as to who is qualified to file a mechanics lien that is important when considering whether you have the right to file a mechanics lien in Placer County, California.

Great and detailed information about this is available on our California Mechanics Lien Resources Page.

What is the fee to file a California Preliminary Notice in Placer County?

The fee to file a California Preliminary Notice in Placer County is $54.00.