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Tennessee Monthly Notice Control Calendar – 2024

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Tennessee Monthly Notice Control Calendar – 2024

In some states, like Tennessee, multiple preliminary notices are required for the same project. This can be confusing for parties who are unaccustomed to furnishing labor and/or material in those states, and can lead to a loss, or at least a diminishing, of lien rights. If you’re working on multiple projects, keeping track of all the deadlines and paperwork can be especially difficult.

Levelset makes it easy to manage and send all the monthly notices Tennessee requires, so you can guarantee you get what you’ve earned. You can choose to automatically approve and send notices, or select “opt in approval” to give final confirmation that the notice should be sent.

This free calendar breaks down what day notices are due each month for Levelset customers, taking into account holidays and weekends which may affect the deadline.

More resources

Tennessee preliminary notice rules & requirements

Tennessee mechanics lien rules & FAQs

Tennessee monthly notice deadline calendar