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Separate prelien for each site within one contract

CaliforniaPreliminary Notice

We are a subcontractor in California on a school district project. We have one work order, with the total price and a list of the schools and their individual amounts (there are 21 schools involved). Do I need to prelien each site, or will one prelien suffice?

7 replies

Jun 10, 2021
In the interest of being safe, and assuming there is one district that covers the 21 schools in that district, I would do both. That is, do one before commencing work on any of the schools for the full amount that lists all the addresses on the pre-lien, and also do one for each of the schools, within 20 days of starting work on each particular school with the amount modified to relate to just that school.
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Dec 29, 2022

I think one will be enough because everything can be done on one.

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Dec 29, 2022

I prefer to do more because it is clearer and 'correct' from my point of view, but it is up to you, as you decide, but I still opt for each one.

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Dec 29, 2022

Oh, for me this was also a problem, in the end I understood that it absolutely doesn't matter, as much as it matters to look good, that's why I turned to to write a speech for me; I already use it not for the first time, because it is very convenient and fast, besides several colleagues of mine do this. I think that this kind of sources should be used by as many people as possible because it improves the chances of success.

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Dec 29, 2022

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Dec 29, 2022


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Dec 29, 2022



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