
Preliminary Letter

TexasPreliminary Notice

When we send the Preliminary Letter (introducing ourselves to the owner that we are working on the job) and list an amount before we start the project what happens if that amount listed originally changes. Do we need to send a new introductory letter with that revised amount listed?

1 reply

Dec 19, 2019
It's a good idea to send a preliminary letter/preliminary notice on every job. As you mentioned, it's a great way to introduce yourself to others on the job and open lines of communication from the start. However, construction projects are pretty fluid, and it's extremely common for amounts to change throughout the lifespan of the job. Generally, there's no need to update a notice simply because the amount listed on a notice differs from the amount that ends up being owed. This is especially true for states where the amount of the job isn't an especially rigid notice requirement - like Texas. For further discussion on updating notices: Is it OK to Send Revised Preliminary Notices? Does it Affect My Deadlines?
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