
Payment bond

FloridaBond ClaimsPayment Bond

I just finished a job a few days ago how long do I have to file a claim on a payment bond?

1 reply

Nov 27, 2019
Payment bonds claims on Florida construction projects must generally be made at least 45 days after the claimant's first furnishing of labor or materials on the job, but within 90 days of the last date the claimant furnished labor or materials to the project. For more background on Florida bond claims: - Florida Bond Claim Guide and FAQs - How To Make A Florida Payment Bond Claim

Payment recovery tools before a bond claim becomes necessary

Of course, keep in mind that there are some other recovery tools that can help to recover payment before resorting to a bond claim.

Invoice reminder

For one, sending a simple invoice reminder can help to get paid. Sometimes, all it takes is a nudge in the right direction for a customer to do the right thing and pay what's owed.

Demand letter

Escalating things a bit with a payment demand letter can do the trick, too. Demand letters will generally contain specific legal threats that show the sender is serious about getting paid and willing to do what it takes to make sure that happens.

Notice of Intent to Make Bond Claim

Much like with a Notice of Intent to Lien, sending notice that a bond claim will soon be filed can convince a customer and/or the project's prime contractor to kick things into gear. Bond claims create enough headaches that other project participants will generally want to do what they can to avoid them. More on this option here: Do I Need to Send a Notice of Intent Before Making a Construction Bond Claim?
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