
Lien on a church

CaliforniaMechanics LienRight to Lien

I need to file a lien on this property is there anything special regarding the property being a church

2 replies

Mar 10, 2020
Generally, no. While churches will benefit from certain privileges, they'll very typically be privately owned and thereby subject to mechanics lien claims. Levelset discusses that idea in detail here: Mechanics Liens: Researching Church Construction Projects. For more information on filing a California mechanics lien, these articles should be valuable: (1) California Mechanics Lien Guide and FAQs; and (2) How to File A California Mechanics Lien – Step By Step Guide To Get You Paid.
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Jun 18, 2020
I was a member at this church and they cheated us out of some money they owed us. The board voted to pay us but the treasurer refused. I want to put a lien on the property for what they owe us and back interest we did not get. Frankly I want to sue them for what ever I can get from them. It’s a very long story.
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