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I need contractor to remove work stoppage, pay wages or release me from contract

New JerseyConstruction Contract

Hi, I subcontract my consulting services to a client through a contractor. I have a subcontractor agreement with my contractor who is also contracted with our client. I am the only one providing this service to client and have a very good working relationship with this client who highly prizes my consulting services. The client filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy to settle a multi-million lawsuit to give the debtor a breather from creditors while the company attempts to reorganize and come up with a better, more profitable way of doing business and operate business as normal. The client states they expect to pay in full under agreed terms for goods received and services rendered on or after the filing date. The contractor then issued a stop work notice, wrongfully suspending my consulting services and stopped invoicing client for payment on my consulting services until client meets new and unrealistic payment terms. The client has always remained willing to pay for my consulting services per invoices submitted by the contractor and has also offered improved payment terms but the contractor refuses to negotiate in good faith, holding my consultant services as leverage and will not move from their impossible payment terms. Due to contractor’s endless re-negotiation cycle and unsuccessful re-negotiation tactics requesting unrealistic payment terms that the client continuously denies, I am still waiting on nearly (4) months of unpaid consultant services, experiencing reduced consultant service opportunities and risking relationships with client and other key business contacts. I need contractor to agree on client's more realistic payment terms, remove work stoppage and invoice client on all past and future consulting services provided or release me from contract that will ensure resumed business activities, past and future payment on services rendered to client and opportunity to extend my services past contract date through a more dependable contractor if needed and protect by business.

1 reply

Jan 25, 2021

This is a hard question to answer without first seeing your agreement with the contractor, or knowing the terms of the agreement between the contractor and client. Has the client shared that contract with you? I woudl suggest approaching the client directly, but I presume that your agreement with the contractor has some kind of non-compete provisions.

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