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How and what to apply for.


I'm a flooring contractor in Florida. My main contracts are home depot, and Lowe's. All installation services for both companies have been shut down. I will run out of cash very soon. What kind of relive should I be looking into? And how would I apply.

3 replies

Apr 7, 2020
This is a very complex question and there is a lot of new information coming in almost everyday. We have been assisting as many business owners as possible with information on the various options, but it depends a lot on your individual situation. If you'd like to schedule a free call, you can use this link to do so:|WyIxNTczIl0=|WyI4NDIiXQ==|WyJwaG9uZU51bWJlciJd
1 person found this helpful
Apr 7, 2020
I tried setting up a call from your link. It doesn't let me in.
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Apr 12, 2020
It might be getting cut off here, it's working on my end. If you still need help, try this
0 people found this helpful